Monday, May 17, 2010


Last night I asked Thing 1 to put on a pull-up.
She asked me why.
I told her "Because you drank a lot at dinner and I don't want you to wet your bed."
Minutes later, she asked me if she could have a glass of milk. I said no. She asked why.
I told her "Because you drank a lot at dinner, and I don't want you to wet your bed."

This morning, I found that she had gotten up in the night to go to the bathroom, taken off her pull up...

and peed all over the couch.

There are no words.


  1. This cracks me up!! It's not really a funny scenario - but, I get it.
    Love the thoughts about the queen bee.

  2. This definitely made me laugh out loud. I was expecting her to pee in bed, NOT on the couch! HA!

  3. Oh dear. I have heard of guys going in the closet thinking it was the toilet. At least she woke up to go, thats a good start, right??
